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It could be so they can work out how many bullets are fired per second on average so they can work out how many to load their gun with for a certain amount of time or how much food will be needed and eaten. Maths is very important.

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12y ago


Their weapon guidance systems work off of GPS (powered by mathematics and created using mathematics)

Their weapons themselves are designed using mathematics.

Their computer network uses mathematics.

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14y ago

That will be dependent on your occupation in the Army. As a general rule of thumb, yes. Even the infantry has to calculate distances and ranges for navigation, calling indirect fire, and so forth.

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16y ago

The military uses math to pinpiont their targets and locations of their enemies and armies.

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Do army officers need maths?

Well math is used in some of the military training, example simple trigonometry is used in learning to shoot and properly use some equipment and weapons. So math is used, but not much.Another answer:As a retired military member and the father of a son in the army, i can assure you that math is used heavily by officers and senior enlisted. So yes, do not neglect your math. Most Army officers are college graduates and hold a degree.

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Why is math used in the army?

Because you couldn't run the Army without it. You also need math to run the Navy, the Marines, the Air Force, the Coast Guard, the National Guard, the Boy Scouts, the Brownies, or any other organization with more than 2 members. Is this a trick question?

How is math used in math?

math is used to show people the different ways math can be used such as fractions or decimals you name it

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Jrotc is from the army and algebra is math.

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Math used to be called Arithmetic.

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math can be used in almost everything!how is it used graph's for the weather

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How is math used in teaching?

Math class.

What is math books used for?

For you to learn math.

What kind of math is used in the medical office field?

Any math can be used.