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He counted 850 stars. (That is what my teacher said.)

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Q: How many stars did Hipparchus count?
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Related questions

Who determined the location of 850 stars?

The location of 850 stars was determined by the Hipparcos satellite, launched by the European Space Agency in 1989. Hipparcos measured the positions, distances, and motions of these stars with very high precision using astrometry techniques. The data collected by Hipparcos significantly advanced our understanding of the structure and dynamics of the Milky Way galaxy.

Do you say 'count the stars' or 'count the number of stars'?

Both could be correct it depends on the situation. If you could count the stars how many so you think there are? Count the number of stars you can see out the window.

What hipparchus was best known for?

Hipparchus was best known for many things. One of them, he invented trigonometry.

What was Hipparchus was best known for his?

Hipparchus was best known for star catalog..

How many stars are in Gemini?

Count yourself

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count them and see how many there are.

How many stars at night?

More than you can count

How many nights does it take to count the stars?


What stars live in Los?

too many to count :)

What is hipparchus full name?

Hipparchus' full name is Hipparchus of Nicaea.

When was Count the Stars created?

Count the Stars was created in 1995.

How many power stars are in supper Mario galaxy2?

120 (242 if you count the Green Stars)