A 5lb gold bar is worth approximately $55,248.96 One kilogram = 1000 grams = 32.15074656 troy ounces (value US$24,360.62 as of Oct. 15, 2007). 5 pounds equals 2.2679618 kilograms. 2.2679618 kilograms equals 2267.9618 grams. Therefore, we take $24,360.62 multiplied by 2.2679618 kilograms to arrive at our approximate answer. One must note that the price of gold fluctuates daily. Note: Those large gold bars in movies are 12.5 kilograms which is the equivalent to 27.5577827 pounds. 12.5 *24360.62=304507.75 So those types of large cast gold bars are valued at approximately US$304,507.75
a lot
5kg of .9999 gold at 1500/oz[troy] is worth approx. $239,976.
about 100 to 200 coins
5kg of .9999 gold at 1500/oz[troy] is worth approx. $239,976.
How much are 50 grams bar 24k gold Read more:
what is a one troy ounce
Any gold bars sold on the market should be stamped with its weight and purity.
26.46 pounds
363 gbp
Right now, approximately $152,424 US dollars.
gold weight 68.1 grains in avoirdupois equall in troy grains
Gold's worth in monitary value, is dependent upon the stocks of the country that have gold. If companies lose money, gold value decreases, so be a smart invester.