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250 million dollars

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Q: If 1 billion people gave you a quarter how much money does it equal?
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Who lost the most money in US history?

AIG, the insurance company, with almost 62 billion dollars in the 4th quarter of 2008.

How much money does Ford motor company make a year?

Their profit or loss varies greatly from quarter to quarter and year to year. They earned $8.8 Billion pre-tax dollars in 2011.

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99 billion

What reward did James Hoban get for designing the White House?

He did not get a reward... He got money. About a Quarter Billion dollars. Though a month after he finished, he died of heart attack.

How much money is two bits?

A 'bit' is 1/8 of a dollar or about 12 cents. Two 'bits' is about a quarter.

How much money is needed to end world hunger?

The cost of providing one billion people with 250 kilograms of grain every year is approximately $40 billion dollars a year. That would seem to be a lot of money, but with one billion people to pay, it is no big deal: $40 a year!

Who has more money a multimillionaire or a billionaire?

A billionaire. It would take one thousand million dollars to equal one billion dollars.

How much money does BP make per day?

According to the first quarter reports of 2010, BP made 5.6 billion. That is a little over 62 million a day.

How much money did the Germans owe?

After World War 1, the Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for a debt of 132 billion gold marks. This is approximately equal to $33 billion in U.S. currency.

Is there more money or people in the world?

The USD is fiat money so it has no value by gold/silver since the 1970s and is therefore infinite. There are 7.4 billion+ people in the world.

What is the measurement for money after billion?

Trillion = 1,000 billion

Does tuition mean how much money per quarter or the money all together?

per quarter, I believe