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The mean change was -150.

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Q: In a recent 10 year period the change in the number of visitors to an amusement park was about -1500 visitors. What was the mean yearly change in the number of visitors?
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No, it has no effect

How does the atomic number change in a period?

When going left to right across a period, the atomic number of element increases.

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20 s

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A period of optimism, positive change and gains.

Can you go to an amusment park while on your period?

Yes, you can go to an amusement part while on your period - there's absolutely nothing that you can't do during your period. Just make sure you use appropriate menstrual products, and if using disposable menstrual products make sure to take spares with you so you can change while there.

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The number of valence electrons for the elements increases across a period, from 1 (group 1) to 8 (group 18).

An amusement park has a frequency of 05 Hz what is the ride's period?

f=1/T, where f is frequency and T is the period. Hence T=1/5 secs

What define period of the periodic table?

The period of the periodic table refers to the horizontal rows in the table, which indicate the number of electron shells an element's atoms have. As you move across a period, the number of protons and electrons increases by one, leading to a gradual change in properties.