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Hydrocyanic acid is one of the most poisonous substances known and is achieved by dissolving cyanide in a strong acid; the inhalation of its fumes in high concentration will cause almost immediate death. Rotenone is used by biologists to kill germs and bacteria in tests and is very poisonous but I dont believe its as poisonous as cyanide although similar. Since the only source for this information seemed to be suicide assist web sites and fatality was rated by probability cyanide was a definite and rotenone was probable. If this is your goal, I plead with you to talk to someone soon. Nothing is as bad as you think it is in your present state of mind.

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Q: Is rotenone more fatal than cyanide?
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The most deadliest poison would have to be the toxins released by certain bacteria in the Clostridium genus. Botulinum toxin is a serious neurotoxin that disables motor nerves' abilities to release acetylchloline, which is the neurotransmitter that relays nerve signals to muscles, and paralysis occurs. As this progresses the muscles that control the airway and breathing fail. The Botulinun toxin is by far the most deadliest poison. If you were to have the same amount of this poison as there is in a snake bite you could end an entire city.

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