

Best Answer

384403 km from center of earth to center of the moon.

That does not include the holes in the cheese.

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Q: The moon is how many km from the earth?
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How many km is it from the earth to the moon?

Because the Moon's orbit is elliptical, its distance from Earth ranges from 356400 km to 406700 km, with an average orbital radius of 384401 km.

How many km to the moon?

Since the Moon is very close to the Earth, that would be the same, on average, as the distance from Earth to Sun.

Who is big between earth and moon?

The Earth is bigger than the Moon. Earth has a diameter of about 12,742 km, while the Moon has a diameter of about 3,474 km.

How many times the diameter of the moon is the diameter of the earth?

The Moon is one-fourth the diameter of the Earth, so that means that four Moons would fit into the diameter of the Earth. This does not mean that the Moon is one-fourth the size of the Earth; the Earth is significantly larger.

How many kilo meter moon from earth?

The distance between the Moon and the Earth varies from around 356,400 km to 406,700 km at the extreme closest point and the farthest point.

Which is bigger the earth or the moon?

The Moon, which circles our earth is 3,476 km in diameterPlanet Earth is 12,742 in diameterThe moon which circles the earth is 3,476 km in diameter.Planet Earth is 12,742 in diameter.

How apart is the sun the earth and the moon?

The Moon is at a distance of about 380,000 km from Earth (on average). Moon and Earth together go around the Sun, at a distance of about 150 million km.

How many kilometres is moon away from us answer in km?

At perigee - its closest approach - the moon comes as close as 225,623 miles (363,104 kilometers). At apogee - the farthest away it gets - the moon is 252,088 miles (405,696 km) from Earth. On average, the distance from Earth to the moon is about 238,855 miles (384,400 km).

How many from the earth to the moon?

The question makes no sense whatsoever. But if you're referring to distance: The distance between the Earth and the moon varies between 363,104 km at its perigee (closest to Earth) and 405,696 km at its apogee (farthest from Earth). Although, every year the moon floats about 4cm further away from Earth.

What fraction of the size of the earth is the moon?

The Moon is 1/4 of Earth's diameter, 1/50 of Earth's volume, and 1/80 of Earth's mass.

Distance the moon is from the earth?

The average centre-to-centre distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,403 km

Is Triton Neptune's moon bigger than earth?

No it is not. The diameter of Neptune's moon Triton is 2,700 km whereas the diameter of Earth is 12,742 km.