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The one, holy catholic and Apostolic Catholic Church

Various denominations of Orthodox churches

Some 30,000 Protestant denominations

A number of denominations that are only borderline Christian - Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, for example.

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16y ago

There is no simple answer to this question. There are several ways to classify divisions of theology, and it depends upon your use of the term "theology" and the religion/faith tradition. Theology can be divided into systematics, dogmatics, and apologetics. It can also be divided into Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Doctrine, Church History/Historical Theology, and Practical Theology/Christian Ministry. Then there are the theological paradigms such as neo-evangelical theology, liberal theology, feminist theology, neo-orthodox theology, liberation theology, etc. Can you be more specific so that your question might be better answered?

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13y ago

The Bible is divided into two sections known as the Old Testament & the New Testament. The Testaments are further divided into the Books of the Bible. The Books are further divided to Chapters and Verses.

Example: New Testament, the Book of Mathew, Chapter 4: Verse 3

Furthermore, the bible can also separated into sections such as the Pentateuch or first 5 books of the bible. Then you have the Historical, Poetic and Prophetic books which complete the Old Testament. The New Testament has the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), followed by Acts (Historical), Paul's letters, the Epistles and Revalations (Prophetic)

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Orthodox Church: Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox. Armenian Orthodox, etc

Protestant: Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Anabaptist, etc

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9y ago

Some of the major things that Christians are divided on are: 1. The authority of the pope or clergy class. 2. What happens when humans die. 3. Who goes to heaven. 4. The methods of gaining monetary support. 5. Whom or what that monetary support goes to. 6. How literal to take the Bible. 7. Are Jesus and God the same person. 8. What exactly is Hell (She'ol or Hades) 9. What does God require of you for his approval. 10. How to view warfare.

How a person is saved is a big divider of Christians church gowers.

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