Indians invented the number 0, without which no other inventions are possible. Possitive and Negative Numbers
Read your book and do your own school work !
Read your book and do your own school work !
The 0 (zero) figure and the concept of infinity.
Two advances would be Algebra and Astronomy. Astronomers measured the Earth, and supported the Greeks saying that Earth was indeed a sphere. Mathematicians contributed to the finding of Algebra. : ) <3 : )
Two Indian mathematicians are credited with developing it namely, Aryabhata of Kusumapura and brahmagupta in the 5th century
Probability is made by two French mathematicians, Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat. It is a measure of the likeness that an event will occur.
Two advances made by Neolithic people were the development of agriculture, which allowed for settled communities to grow crops and raise animals, and the invention of pottery, which revolutionized food storage and cooking techniques.
Leibniz was one of the two greatest mathematicians of the 18th century.
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Yes - there are no two-and-a-half-thousand-years-old reek mathematicians around today.
FALSEthere are 4 types of geometry mathematicians study.
two advances are sculpting and painting