Archimedes was Greek, but he had no mythological basis or affiliation.
The Archimedes Sphere, also known as the Sphere of Archimedes, played a significant role in Greek mythology as it was believed to have been a powerful weapon created by the legendary mathematician and inventor Archimedes. According to the myth, the sphere had the ability to harness the power of the sun and use it as a destructive force against enemy ships.
No one lifted the earth, but Archimedes (a great scientist and mathematician) claimed that he could do it.
Archimedes was a Greek Scholar, not a discovery.
Archimedes was a Greek Scholar, not a discovery.
Archimedes - Greek: Άρχιμήδης A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on this great thinker. His name here is in Ancient Greek.
Capitalize only the G i n Greek but not the mythology. It should be Greek mythology.
There is no Eric in Greek mythology.