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Aristotle developed the scientific method.

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Q: What did Aristotle do for science?
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Inventions of aristotle?

aristotle invented the science ..

How has Aristotle influenced western culture?

Aristotle is considered to be the father of western science.

The father of science in greek?


What did Aristotle write about?

Science I think

Has science advanced since Aristotle?

Yes. The advances in science since 2300+ years ago (when Aristotle lived) are huge. Science is constantly advancing. It has advanced since yesterday.

What were Aristotle's contrubutions to science?

Theories about what he learned!

What cotributions did Aristotle made to science?


What did Aristotle contibute to science?

i dont like you

Who were the fathers of moden science?

the father of moden science was plato,socrates,and aristotle.

What is political science according to Aristotle?

Aristotle defined political science as the study of the organization and functions of the state. He believed that politics was the highest science because it dealt with the common good and aimed at the flourishing of individuals within a community. Aristotle's political science focused on the ideal state and the principles of governance that promote justice and virtue.

What else did Aristotle studied other than physics?

Well Aristotle was interested in Physics, biology, zoology science..................

What is facts about Aristotle?

Aristotle was a student of Plato. The majority of Aristotle's work has been lost, but about one third of it remains. Aristotle wrote on many subjects, such as science, poetry, music, theater, ethics and politics.