he invented calculus but was accused of taking credit from Newton
It was first discovered simultaneously by Isaac Newton and another mathematician named Gottfried Leibniz. (see related link). However, the notation that we use today is for the most part that of Leibniz. As far as development, it is still an actively researched field of mathematics with thousands of contributors. Also, integral calculus is often attributed to Archimedes of Syracuse (c. 250 BC), having been largely ignored after him.
Sir Isaac Newton is best known for having invented the calculus in the mid to late 1660s (most of a decade before Leibniz did so independently, and ultimately more influentially) and for having formulated the theory of universal gravity -
It was invented as an alternative to having your guests stare at your daughter's nipples.
elevators were invented to help people get up and down insted of having to use stairs
your mother and father while having s e x
yo mama and dad having sex
it was invented by having 2 semi circles and string in the middle and attach it yeah people
it was never invented it is just natural just like having to pee
they were invented in Greece around the 17th century because back then having long hair was very common.
Guns were invented as a way to be able to engage an adversary without having to get really close like with a sword.
An Iraqi guy invented it to help people who are having trouble figuring out negatives, positives and zeros
Newton and Leibniz are credited with the development of calculus at around the same time.It was first discovered simultaneously by Isaac Newton and another mathematician named Gottfried Leibniz. (see related link). However, the notation that we use today is for the most part that of Leibniz. As far as development, it is still an actively researched field of mathematics with thousands of contributors.Also, integral calculus is often attributed to Archimedes of Syracuse (c. 250 BC), having been largely ignored after him.ANSWERSir Isaac Newton created calculus the same time that Leibniz did. However, Newton was able to take claim to it because of a system they had in those days of leaving sealed papers with universities in order to later prove that you came up with an idea first. Early intellectual property law. Sadly, this led to many mathematicians unwilling to collaborate productively and led Leibniz and Newton to start an international sparring match.Many mathematicians like to say that calculus was discovered rather than created. It is impossible for two people to create the Mona Lisa at the same time, but to discover an already existing continent in the same century seems entirely plausible.Isaac newtonA Hindu Indian Named Calculus Invented Calculus Math. You Can Look It Up On Bing. "How Jesuits Took Calculus From India To Europe.Sir Isaac Newton is credited with inventing modern Calculus. Mathematicians have used Newton's calculus for the last 400 or so years. However it turns out that Archimedes had also discovered Calculus, but this work was lost, and only recently rediscovered.Sir Isaac Newton is credited with inventing modern Calculus. Mathematicians have used Newton's calculus for the last 400 or so years. However it turns out that Archimedes had also discovered Calculus, but this work was lost, and only recently rediscovered.