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Compound Interest for n compounds per year:

A = P(1+r/n)nt


A = amount of money at time t

P = Principal balance

r = yearly interest rate

n = number of compunds per year

t = time in years

Continuous Compound Interest:

A = Pert

A = amount of money at time t

P = Principal balance

r = yearly interest rate

t = time in years

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Q: What is formula of compound interest?
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WHAT does the carrot in the formula for compound interest means?

There is no carrot in the compound interest formula!

How do you solve compound interest formula for n?

It depends on which compound interest formula you mean. Refer to the Wikipedia Article on "Compound Interest" for the correct terminology.

What is the formula for difference between simple interest and compound interest?


What is the formula for a simple compound interest rate?

Simple Interest = p * i * n p is principle and i is interest rate per period and n is the number of periods. A = P(1 + r)n is for compound interest.

How do you figure out your total amount of money after interest?

It depends on whether it is simple or compound interest. The formula for simple interest is A = P(1+rt), where A = amount of money after t years, P = Principal, or the amount of money you started with, and r = the annual interest rate, expressed as a decimal (i.e. 7% = 0.07). For compound interest, the formula is A = P(1+r)t.

What is the Formula for daily compound interest?

The formula for the daily compound interest is B=p(1+r over n)NT as an exponent for the nt B= ending balance P= principal amound r= interest rate n= number of compounds per year t= time( in years)

What is the maths formula for compound interest?

The formula for compound interest is A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt), where: A = the future value of the investment P = the principal investment amount r = the annual interest rate (in decimal form) n = the number of times that interest is compounded per year t = the number of years the money is invested for

Formula for calculating compound interest?

P*(1+R/100)powerT where P= money borrowed or principal and R= rate in percent and T= time * * * * * Actually, this formula gives the value of the principal PLUS interest. You need to subtract P from the answer to get the compounded interest.

How much interest would you gain from 2000 dollars at 6 percent for five years?

Assuming simple interest, just multiply 2000 dollars x (6/100) x 5. For compound interest, the formula is a bit more complicated. You would get some more interest in the case of compound interest.

Which type of interest is calculated by adding the interest earned to the principal?

compound... yes it is compound interest.

What are the major differences between compound interest loan and simple interest loan?

With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.With compound interest, the interest due for any period attracts interest for all subsequent periods. As a result, compound interest, for the same rate, is greater.

What is different about compound interest from normal interest?

Compound interest is calculated on the initial principal plus any accumulated interest, resulting in interest earning interest over time. Normal interest, on the other hand, is only calculated on the initial principal amount and does not take into account any interest that has already been earned.