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it means that an video is official video like it is a remix.

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Q: What is meaning official correspondence?
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Which army regulation covers official correspondence?

AR 25-50, Preparing and Managing Correspondence, covers official correspondence in the U.S. Army.

Regulation for official correspondence for Soldiers?

AR 25-50 Preparing and managing Correspondence

What is official correspondence?

official correspondence is memo, letter, circular and other official letter in a office.official correspondence define only official works include all action of work in a office. official corresponding is a short note of letter.its defined only important message and related an office.for example- memo,business letter,letter circular and etc

What has the author William Selby Harney written?

William Selby Harney has written: 'Official correspondence of Brig. W.S. Harney, U.S. Army' -- subject(s): Accessible book 'Official correspondence of Brig. W.S. Harney, U.S. Army' 'Official correspondence of Brig. W.S. Harney, U.S. Army'

What is correspondence mean?

it means that an video is official video like it is a remix.

What is the Acronym of royal endorsement commonly seen on official correspondence?

HRH - his royal highness, her royal highness

What is official?

official correspondence is memo, letter, circular and other official letter in a office.official correspondence define only official works include all action of work in a office. official corresponding is a short note of letter.its defined only important message and related an office.for example- memo,business letter,letter circular and etc

You know it is protocol to address a former elected official by his highest achieved title But is it necessary when referring to them in writing?

When and where it is 'protocol' to address a former elected official by his/her highest-achieved title, it will always be appropriate (as an observance of protocol and, even more, as a sign of respect) to address that official in written correspondence by that same title. Whether it is necessary depends on the particular circumstances of the context of the correspondence; for example, where the official and the correspondent are on familiar terms, there is no need to make use of the official's highest-achieved title.

How many official languages are used by UNO?

The United Nations (UN) has six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. These languages are used in official documents, meetings, and correspondence within the organization.

Is it in correspondence of or in correspondence to?

in correspondence to or of

Which regulation should Soldiers reference for proper format When writing official correspondence?

ar 25-50

What rhymes with the Arabic word malabis?

Some words that rhyme with "malabis" in Arabic are "tanasib" (تناسب) meaning "correspondence" and "mudabbir" (مدير) meaning "manager."