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There are two parts of congress. House of Representatives (house) and The Senate (senate).

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House of Representatives

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Q: What is one half of congress?
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One half congress?

One half is the house of representative, the other half is the Senate

What must congress have in order to do business?

a quorum ( one over half votes )

What do you call half of the congress?

Corrupt? the other half ineffective?

What is the worth of a gold bicentennial of congress liberty half dollar 1989?

The only gold Bicentennial of Congress coin minted is a Five dollar coin not a half dollar, it is valued at about $300.00.

The Constitution requires that how many of the members of Congress be present in order to vote on a bill?

The Constitution requires that at least one half of the members of Congress be present in order to vote on a bill. Without that amount, a vote cannot be held.

What act Passed by congress over a presidential veto?

half your face

Why did Congress declare that pizza is a vegetable?

Congress did not declare that pizza is a vegetable. The debate in Congress was not even about pizza! It had to do with the school lunch program and tomato paste. The debate stemmed around one-eighth cup of tomato paste being credited with the same nutritional value as half a cup of vegetables in the school lunch program regulations. President Obama's administration drafted guidelines that would have required the actual volume of the vegetable served to be one-half cup. As a result, one-eighth cup of tomato paste would no longer count as a serving of vegetables. Though not specifically debated in Congress, that would have meant that a slice of pizza would have to have one-half cup of tomato paste on it to be counted as a serving of vegetables. Congress blocked that change and one-eighth cup of tomato paste will still be counted as a serving of vegetables in the school lunch program. To read more, visit the Related Link.

Laws are passed by a vote which means one over half?

Laws are passed by a majority vote which means over half. In Congress, only half the members need to be present to constitute a quorum, so in theory, a law can be passed by a quarter of Congress.

What is one of the two houses in the congress?

congress and the other one is house of representatives

How do you spell more than one congress persons?

One male Congress person is Congressman. More than one male in Congress is Congressmen. One female is Congresswoman. More than one is Congresswomen. Saying Congress Person/s is awkward.

How many senates are in the congress?

There is just one senate and one house of representatives in congress.

IS this sentence correct grammatically It is Congress' turn to make a decision?

No. The correct way is this It is Congress's turn to make a decision. Congress' means "it is owned by more than one congress" or "there is more than one congress" Either one... I'm not sure. Sorry