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* There is nothing etched in stone on this topic: Different style guides will give you different answers. A common usage is to spell out the numbers from "one" through "nine." But from "10" and above, use the numeral itself.

However, if a sentence begins with a numeral, always spell it out., e.g., "Seven people attended the lecture." * A few more exceptions to spelling out a number past "nine" is that temperatures and longitude/latitude are always spelled out. You can write 5:34 a.m., but when it's an even hour you write it 5 a.m. Anti Meridian (means before noon, whereas p.m. is post meridian [after noon]). Both are Latin and should be capitalized but since it's not dominant to the sentence it is not capitalized as it is too distracting to the numbers indicating the time.

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Q: What is the rule about writing numbers in a work of fiction i.e. when should you spell the numbers out and when should you use numerical digits?
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