One click refers to a unit of measurement used in military jargon to indicate the distance of one kilometer, or approximately 0.62 miles. It is commonly used for quick and easy communication of distances during operations.
A "click" is US Military slang for a kilometer.
ten yen
(Jargon is not gibberish or nonsense - it refers to words used in a group or occupation)The science student found it hard to understand the jargon of the astronomers.He had little patience for the jargon of diplomats and their endlessly qualified statements.Like most scientists, he wrote in a technical jargon that had to be translated to the managers.His speech included some very technical jargon that most of the attendees did not understand.
A click is a kilometer. So, if someone tells you a location is one click to you right, they are telling you it is 1000 meters to your right.
jargon is a form of language particular to a specific trade eg a rugby player may use phrases such as on the B, or run it straight.
Depends on what you mean by value and in what context. What it costs the military is vastly different from what it costs an individual to purchase one.
A high value of military skills and loyalty.
One Klick is military slang for one kilometer
It depends on the grade and kind. It is usually $3-$400.
imp and jargon or scout one on palaish isle shrine