Because the ancients were trying to find the measure of the diagonal of a square with sides of length one unit. The diagonal would not come out as any rational number and so Irrational Numbers - including square roots - had to be invented.
Square roots were not invented by any specific mathematicians, but they were discovered and studied by ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks. The concept of square roots emerged as a natural result of solving mathematical problems and practical applications involving squares and their areas. Over time, mathematicians like Pythagoras and Euclid contributed to the understanding and development of square roots.
Primes were known to the early Greek Mathematicians - the Pythagoreans about 400BC and Euclid about 300BC. Eratosthenes came up with 'the sieve of Eratosthenes' for working out primes about 200BC. There is no record that the Babylonians knew about primes.
Astronomers and astrologers were the ancient numerical calculators. their intellectual works had major influence and motivation for advances in mathematics. The traditional astrologer community "Ganaka" was the real mathematicians of ancient Kerala. Non European roots of mathematics extends up to them. Their lore was later learned by many other classes.
Add numbers up
Since this ended up in the Mathematics section, there is an outside chance you meant to write square root. The square root of 9 is 3. The square root of 25 is 5. If you didn't mean to write square root, please resubmit your question and direct it to the proper section.
It depends on what type the plant is, The roots will start to grow just a little before the stem comes up. or The embryo or the shoot will came first then the roots.
The perfect squares up to 120 are: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, and 100
the square roots are 2*2=4 3*3=9 4*4=16 5*5=25 6*6=36 7*7=49 8*8=64 9*9=81 10*10=100
2005. That was when the album X&Y came out, with the song on it.
Rene Descartes came up with the word imaginary in 1637 to describe them. It was a derogatory term. He (and many other mathematicians of that age) did not like imaginary numbers. Many people didn't believe in them, because they were not real.
I just bid one. I came up with $8.48 per square foot. Service and panels were not included. They are existing.
Archaeologists dig up the area little by little because they need to graph what square in the site the artifact came from and where in the square in order to figure out as much as they can from it.