He has no first name for some reason. He is only known as Archimedes or otherwise Archimedes of Syracuse!He has no first name for some reason. He is only known as Archimedes or otherwise Archimedes of Syracuse!
In Syracuse in Sicily In Syracuse in Sicily he was born in Syracuse, Sicily
Archimedes was born in the city of Syracuse. This area is in modern day Sicily.
He is only known as Archimedes of Syracuse ( now Sicily).
He was Sicilian (from Syracuse).
Syracuse, Italy.
The hometown of Archimedes was Syracuse Sicily. This was back when Sicily was a Greek colony. Archimedes was born in 287 BC and is one of the most famous mathematicians in history.
Archimedes lived in Syracuse, (Sara-cuse) Silica, Italy
Archimedes was born and lived in Syracuse in what is now Sicily. Syracuse then was a Greek colony and so he would have been considered Greek.
He does not have a first name or last name, he is simply known as Archimedes or Archimedes of Syracuse!