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Q: What were john kemeny mathematician contributions?
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When did john kemeny die?

John George Kemeny died on 1992-12-26.

When did John George Kemeny die?

John George Kemeny died on 1992-12-26.

Who formulated BASIC?

john kemeny

Who is Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny?

Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny are the inventors of the BASIC programming language. They created BASIC in 1964 at Dartmouth College.

What contributions did this mathematician give to math?


Who developed the baisc programming language?

Thomas Kurtz, John Kemeny and James Dowling.

Who are the mathematician in Egypt and what are their contributions?

Well, believe it or not, Cleopatra was found to be a mathematician! Her contributions include assistance in making the theorem for the area of a circle! Tutankhamen was another mathematician, but it is not what he is most famous for. He helped make the first abacus.

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What has the author Zoltan Kemeny written?

Zoltan Kemeny has written: 'Zoltan Kemeny, 1907-1965' -- subject(s): Exhibitions

When did Adalberto Kemeny die?

Adalberto Kemeny died in 1969, in Brazil.