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Keep the secrets of the school and not eat beans. No, really: Pythagoras had a neurotic fear of beans.

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Q: What were the members of Pythagoras' Philosophical and Religious School expected to do?
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What were the members of pythagoras' philosophical and religous school expected to do?

Grow bananas in their offices/rooms

Some rules for members of Pythagoras' Philosophical and Religious School?

Pythagoras wouldn't eat beans because he thought they contained/were human souls, and would not wear cloaths made of animal skins.

What other family members does Pythagoras have?

Well Pythagoras is not really known for family .

What other pursuits did Pythagoras dedicate his life to?

He was the leader of a religious sect known as the Pythagorean Brotherhood whose members were sworn to secrecy through the fear of death if they gave any of their mathematical secrets away.

Who were the members of the Pythagorean brotherhood?

The Pythagoreans brotherhood members were followers of the philosopher-mathematician Pythagoras. I don't exactly who though.

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No. They do, however, "recognize and acknowledge the important spiritual role of other religions and religious leaders which include Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad." Members of Eckanar are expected to "respect the privacy beliefs and religious freedoms of others" (pg. 6 of their brochure).

What are the rules Pythagoras had gave his members?

He said you must watch Mary Pickford's Films. Including Sparrow (1926)

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Women were expected to obey all their male family members.

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They would most likely be expected to mate/reproduce. Or am i getting your question wrong?

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