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1:05 military (pm) The trick is for all pm hrs-just add 12.

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Q: What would 13.05 be in a 12 hour clock?
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What is the 12 hour clock time which is one and one quarter hour earlier than 1305?

It would be 11:50am.

What is the difference in the 12 hour clock and the 24 hour clock?

The difference between 12 hour clock and a 24 hour clock is that when you say 1:00am for a 12 hour clock you would say 0100 hours

What is the different between 12 hour's clock and 24 hour's clock?

12 hour clock's have am and pm. 24 hour clock's (military time) is 00:00 through 23:59. Midnight on a 12 hour clock is 12:00am, on a 24 hour clock is 00:00. So 23:59 would be 11:59pm.

What is the difference between 12 hour clock time and 24 hour clock time?

A twelve hour clock has 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and is the standard form time clock. A 24 hour clock has times starting at 1-12, but after it will start with 13 as 1 p.m. all the way to 24 or 00 as 12 midnight.

If 1.05 am was a 12 hour clock what would it say if it got changed to a 24 hour clock?

1.05 am in a 12-hour clock would correspond to 01:05 in a 24-hour clock format.

Is a analog clock is a 12 hour clock or a 24 hour clock?

12 hour clock but could say the time in a 24 hour clock Analogue describes construction, not hours. It can be either.

How do you move from 24 hour clock to 12 hour?

The times 1:00- 12:00 stay the same. When you would get to 13:00 then it would go back to 1:00 on a 12 hour clock. The minute part will stay the same.

What time is 1230 hours?

On A 12 hour clock, it would be 12:30 am, or 12:30pm.

What time is 10 minutes after midnight?

10 minutes after midnight would be 12:10 AM. This is because each hour on the clock consists of 60 minutes, so after midnight (12:00 AM), adding 10 minutes would bring you to 12:10 AM.

Where is 0 hour?

Zero hour is midnight. Based on a 24 hour clock 0 hour would be 12:00am to 12:59.59999. Once the clock reaches 1am or zero one hundred then the zero hour is gone. I hope that helps!

How far do the hour hand move an hour?

The clock is divided into 12 hours. The hour hand moves 1/12th every hour. If the clock is likened to a circle of 360 degrees, each hour would represent 360 / 12 = 30 degrees.

1630 hours in military time is what normal time?

It is normal time. Most of the world uses the 24 hour clock, rather than the 12 hour clock. As far as the 12 hour clock would go, that would be 4:30 PM. Anything you see over 13:00, just subtract 12, and you'll get the time you would on a 12 hour clock (PM).