Treat 117 as a fraction by using 1 as the denominator and set up the problem as 1/3 x 117/1. Multiply the two numerators (top numbers) and the product will be the new numerator (1 x 117 = 117), Do the same for the two denominators (3 x 1 = 3) and form the new fraction 117/3. The next step is to divide the numerator by the denominator to get the answer: 117/3 = 39.
How about 9 times 13 = 117 as one example
There are infinitely many possible answers. One of the simpler ones is 1 times 117.
One third of 7 is approximately 2.33.
one third times three
1 eighth x 1 third = 1 twentyfourth (8x3 = 24)
one trillion
65 x 1.8 = 117
It is one and one third.
128/24 - 117/24 = 11/24
one fifteenth
negative one ninth
One third times nine to the eighth power equals 14,348,907