Because he wanted a simple calculating device. (It's "bones" actually.)
John Napier
He invented the insert device, which was stuffed into a hole drilled in Napiers bones, which allowed a metal plank to go in. Although it wasnt a great improvement, his science in the insert device helped to the creation of Condoms by his son Samuel.
Logs are logarithms, Napier's Bones were a very early calculating device produced by the inventor of logarithms
Napier's Bones. It was a type of abacus.
Napier's bones is a manually-operated calculating device created by John Napier of Merchiston for calculation of products and quotients of numbers.
in 1614 john Napier invented logarithms and a device called NAPIER,s bones
Napier's bones is a manually operated calculating device created by John Napier of Merchiston, Scotland for the calculation of products and quotients of numbers. The method was based on lattice multiplication, and also called rabdology, a word invented by Napier. Napier published his version in 1617.
French Blaise Pascal invented the calculator. He did this to help his dad who was a tax adjuster. Then Gottfried Leibnitz improved on Pascal idea with a machine that would add, subtract, multiply, and divide. John Napierin invented the movable multiplication table engraved on a series of square section metal rods, called Napiers Bones.
Computer history - 1600's YearEvent1600William Gilbert coins the term electricity from the Greek word elecktra.1617John Napier introduced a system called "Napiers Bones," made from horn, bone or ivory the device allowed the capability of multiplying by adding numbers and dividing by subtracting.1621The circular slide rule is invented by William Oughtred.1623Blaise Pascal is born June 19, 1623.1623The first known workable mechanical calculating machine is invented by Germanys Wilhelm Schickard. The machine is based on the idea of Napier's Bones, mentioned earlier.1632William Oughtred of Cambridge combines two Gunter rules to make a device that resembles today's slide rule.1642Frances Blaise Pascal invents a machine, called the Pascaline, that can add, subtract, and carry between digits.1662Blaise Pascal passes away August 19, 1662.1671Gottfried Leibniz introduces the Step Reckoner, a device that can multiply, divide, and evaluate square roots.1679Gottfried Leibniz demonstrates binary arithmetic, a discovery that shows every number can be represented by 0 and 1 only.
Napier's bones, used for calculating products and quotients of numbers was also called Rabdology. Napier first published his method in 1617.
John Napier's calculating machine invention is called "Napier's Bones."