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John Wallis

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Q: Which 17th century English mathematician wrote two famous books about mathematics-'The Artihmetica' and 'The Algerbra'?
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Which 17th century English mathematician wrote two famous books about mathematics-'The Artihmetica' and 'The Algebra'?

John Wallis

Who was the17th century English mathematician who wrote The Arithmetica and The Algebra?

The English mathematician John Wallis (1616 - 1703).

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Which 17th-century mathematician wrote the books 'The Arithmetica' and 'The Algebra'?

The English mathematician John Wallis (1616 - 1703).

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Pi was invented by William Jones in 1706 who was a Welsh mathematician.

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English mathematician William Jones developed the symbol for Pi in 1706.William Jones

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