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No such thing as a 22mm pistol - anything 20mm and above is considered a cannon, anyhow.

You're probably thinking of a .22 pistol, which is .22 inches (although the diameter of the projectile is actually .223 inches).

As for which is better, what are your needs? If you just want something to plink with, I'd recommend the .22. If you want something for self defence, then definitely the 9mm.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

In what regard? The .40 is a more powerful cartridge, whereas a 9mm can typically hold more rounds, and the round itself is much more commonplace.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The differences are negligible. The pistol you're using and the specific ammo will have more effect on accuracy.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

40 cal

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Q: Which is more accurate 9MM or 40Cal?
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Which bullet cause more damage 9mm or 40cal bullet?

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If you buy a 9mm conversion barrel for your Glock model 22 40 cal sw can you use your 40cal magazines with the 9mm barrel?

No. The 9mm is not compatible with the .40 caliber frame/slide. On the other hand, you can put a .357 SIG barrel into a Glock 22 and use your .40 magazines.

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I'm not entirely sure about the .32 caliber, but the 9mm and .40cal P99QA/P99AS runs for about $740 US

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Both can be equally accurate

How accurate can you shoot a 9mm from 100 yards?

For the AVERAGE 9mm pistol, not very well. The M9 pistol is considered to have an effective range of 50 meters. There ARE 9mm pistols and shooters that are accurate to 100 yards- but not an everyday affair.

What is the most accurate 9mm?

H&K claims their pistols to be the most accurate out of the box. This has been disputed.

What is the most accurate 9mm handgun?

Either the SIG or S&W

What is the maximum range for 9mm pistol?

a 9mm is not very powerful and i have one and a can shoot it and hit the target at maybe 150 to 200 feet if you want to be accurate at all

What can you compare 9mm to?

.38 Special- 9mm is more powerful. ,357 Magnum- 9mm is less powerful.

What are the characteristics of the 357 sig?

Very generally speaking, it is a 9mm diameter bullet fired with the pressure of a .40 SW, so what you get is a very high velocity 9mm bullet which has much more muzzle energy than a regular 9mm. They are very loud because of the higher pressure (more powder) but very accurate, and based on the (somewhat limited) information available about it, is very effective.

Can you use 9mm ammo in any 9mm handgun?

No. There are more than a dozen DIFFERENT "9mm" cartridges, and they do not interchange. The most common is 9mm Parabellum- also known as 9mm Luger or 9x19. It does NOT interchange with 9mm Kurz, 9mm Corto, 9mm Makarov, 9mm Ultra, etc.

What is more power full a 32 Cal long or a 9mm?
