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The history of the development of mathematics is a long one. No single person is given credit for the "discovery" of mathematics. As man lived in caves before any written language existed, he understood the nature of the first few numbers, the counting numbers. He could make simple comparisons and could tell that, say, 9 was more than 6. He would be able to see that if he had, say, 8 apples and there were 7 people in his group, each would get one and there would be one left over. This is the beginning of mathematics. It evolved into more abstract forms later and through the work of many dedicated investigators and problem solvers. Whether we look at the Babylonian or Egyptian mathematical systems (which were, in turn, furthered by Greeks and Romans) or skip over to the early (and independently arising) works in the Americas (the Incas), we see man's intuitive grasp of the nature of numbers. We also see him extend the ideas to broader areas in structure and construction. A link is provided below, and a cursory reading is strongly encouraged.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

No single person discovered mathematics. And it is still not fully discovered - there are still a number of unproven conjectures and unsolved problems.

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