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Q: Who was the nineteenth-century mathematician who gave his name to the process of narrowing or expanding a search?
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What is the medical term meaning process of drawing together as in the narrowing of a vessel?

Constriction is the medical term meaning normal, physiologic narrowing. Stenosis is the medical term meaning abnormal narrowing.

What is atherosclerotic narrowing?

Atherosclerosis is a process where plaques are formed within the lumen (inner lining) of blood vessels. This causes narrowing of the blood vessel.

What is disk space narrowing?

Disk space narrowing means that two adjacent vertebrae are getting closer together. It's part of the human aging process.

What is one tool for narrowing your topic?

There are many tools used for narrowing a topic. One tool used for narrowing a topic is the process of elimination. Starting with a main idea and crossing off sub-sections to narrow down to one sub-section. Hexagonal writing is another tool for narrowing a topic.

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Which desert is currently expanding?

Through the process of desertification, the Sahara is growing rapidly each year.

What is decompression in multimedia?

the process of expanding computer data to its normal size so that it can be read by a computer.

Do deserts expand in size?

Yes, many deserts are expanding through the process of desertification. This is especially true of the Sahara.

What is the process of narrowing the field of possible candidates for office called?

There are multiple words that could for the process, but in the world of politics, usually they are called primaries or party nominations. The opposite of Natural selection. The stupid stay in, and the smart get kicked out

What region creates expanding air masses?

Tropical regions near the equator are known for creating expanding air masses due to the intense heating of the surface, which leads to the air rising and expanding as it heats up. This process plays a key role in the formation of convection cells in the atmosphere, such as the Hadley cell.

What is self-expansion?

Self-expansion refers to the process of personal growth and development by engaging in new experiences, learning new skills, and expanding one's perspective. It involves challenging oneself and pushing one's boundaries in order to reach a higher level of understanding and capability. Self-expansion often leads to increased self-awareness, self-confidence, and fulfillment.