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There bill have passed the committee of action and reached the house floor. These bills still have parts that need to be rewritten and tweaked until a agreement can be met.

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They allow for representation of diverse views.

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Q: Why are some bills debated by a committee of the whole?
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Every bill is assigned to a committee int he house of representatives why does it matter which committee a bill is sent to?

There are two reasons, one procedural and one political. One is that only some committees can recommend that proposals be funded. The other is that bills recommended to an unfriendly committee may be stopped there.

What are pros and cons of committee system?

Some advantages of the committee system include: Congress does not focus on one issue and the committee system allows for a deeper look at each of the bills that are proposed before they are sent to either the full attendance of the House of Representatives or the Senate. One disadvantage of the system, however, is the leader of the committee is chosen by seniority, not knowledge of the issue.

What are some prefixes for committee?

Some prefixes for committee are: subcommittee, intercommittee, and supercommittee.

What is meant by 'killed in committee'?

In the American House of Representatives and the Senate proposed bills are first sent to the committee that oversees that particular area of interest. There are committee on all sorts of industry, foreign policy, judiciary and even the house's own rules. They propose changes, add amendments and finally vote on whether it should go to the full house or senate to be voted on. Committees are comprised of a percentage based on who is in the majority. So, most bills get out of committee rather easily even on a straight party line vote. If there is a problem with the bill, if the majority changes or more importantly members of the majority are pressured to "kill the bill" from inside or outside their respective congressional districts the bill fails to get out of committee. Some bills do not see the inside of a committee room, most recently Democrats conducted business this way, in order to give cover to those politicians who are on the committee but don't want to vote for the bill.

Was Andy Warhol strait?

It is debated - some say yes, some no.

What do public bills deal with?

Public bills are the bills that affect the whole nation, whereas a private bill only affects a specific person or group.

What is unique about interest sensitive whole life insurance?

Unlike most insurance policies that have a fixed value, the value of interest sensitive whole life insurance increases at a rate indexed to some value, such as Treasury Bills.

Can ducks not have bills?

Ducks have bills but if there is a mutation some ducks could be born with misshapen or missing bills.

Is there 500 bills?

Some countries have 500 unit bills, others do not.

When must an occupational health and safety committee be formed?

When an Occupational Safety & Health Committee must be formed depends on what state or province you work in. In some places a company with as few as five employees must form a committee. Some jurisdictions do not require a committee at any time.

Why do some people fear paying bills?

Some people don't have enough money to pay their bills.

What are the main characters of the pretty committee strikes back?

Basically just the Pretty Committee, i think and there are some boys