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Weight vs volume. PLace object in container already full of water. Measure volume of liquid displaced. weight object. weight divided by volume equals density

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Q: Why did the Archimedes need to know to work out the density of a substance?
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What things must you know to find the density of a material?

To find the density of a material all you need to know is the mass and volume of the substance. if you knw the mas and volume...finding out the density is very simple...all you need to do is mass/volume and you will have the density of that substance!

How would you convert 900Mg into cc?

To convert milligrams (mg) to cubic centimeters (cc), you need to know the density of the substance. The conversion will depend on the density of the substance in question.

How do you convert mass into volume measurements?

You need to know the density of the substance.

How do you convert Cubic meter to Ton?

You need to know the density of the substance.

How do you calculate two densities in order to find the density of the combined substances or objects?

To find the density of a combined substance or object, you can calculate the weighted average of the densities of the individual substances or objects. Multiply each density by its respective volume, sum these values, and then divide by the total volume of the combined substance or object. This will give you the overall density.

To calculate the density of a substance what two properties do you need to know?

To calculate the density of a substance, you need to know its mass and volume. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of the substance by its volume, expressed in units such as grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) for solids and liquids.

What is the density of the mass of 57.33g?

Density is a measure of mass per unit volume. To calculate density, you need both the mass and volume of the substance. Without the volume of the substance, you cannot determine the density.

If a trial was done with a volume of 45mL what would the mass be?

The mass of 45mL of a substance would depend on the density of that substance. You would need to know the density of the substance to calculate its mass using the formula: mass = volume x density.

How many kilogram is 1 gal?

kg. is a unit of mass, gallon is a unit of volume. To do the conversion, you would also need to know the density of the substance that you store in that is a unit of mass, gallon is a unit of volume. To do the conversion, you would also need to know the density of the substance that you store in that is a unit of mass, gallon is a unit of volume. To do the conversion, you would also need to know the density of the substance that you store in that is a unit of mass, gallon is a unit of volume. To do the conversion, you would also need to know the density of the substance that you store in that volume.

Why is it not necessary to know the volume of a substance when calculating its density?

If you want to CALCULATE the density of an unknown substance, you need to divide its mass by its volume, so you need to measure both first. If it is a homogeneous (uniform) substance, and you can take away a piece, you can take any sample. Any piece of the substance will have the same density.

How do you convert cubic meter to pounds?

You would need to know the density of the substance in question.

What are you things do you need to know about a substance to determine its density?

it's mass, and it's volume.