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the car has more density than water i.ethe weight of the water displaced is more than the bouyant force acting on the car.

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17y ago

cuz the water goes in

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Q: Why do cars sink?
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Why do cars sink in sand?

cars sink i sands because the sand is a soft particular thing it's like the same thing when your car sink in the mud.

How much water does it take for a car to float?

Cars don't float, they sink.

Why can you not drive cars in Venice?

Instead of roads, Venice has canals. A car would sink.

What cars will float on water?

Old Beetles were said to float, "AWHILE". But all cars would sink. Only the Amphicar 1961-1968 are half boat/half car.

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The future tense of "sink" is "will sink".

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How many Corvettes are in the national Corvette museum?

The number changes, individuals loan their personal Corvettes to be displayed at the museum. The idea is that you when you visit and you will see different Corvettes displayed. The cars usually change yearly. And yes, those cars destroyed by the sink hole, where probably owned by individuals