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Q: How did the area of slave states and territories open slavery change between 1854 and 1861?
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How did the Compromise of 1850 change how slavery was handled in new territories?

It made it much more difficult to create new slave-states.

Was slavery prohibited in territories of the US?

Slavery was abolished in the United States territories in June 1862. Any new territory was not to have possession of any slaves after this date.

Why do you think southerners were opposed to the Wilmot Proviso?

Southerners opposed the Wilmot Proviso because it sought to ban slavery in territories acquired from Mexico, which threatened the balance of power between slave and free states in the U.S. They believed it went against their rights to bring slaves into new territories and feared it could lead to the restriction of slavery in existing states.

What was slavery conflict about?

The conflict over slavery in the United States was primarily about the moral and economic implications of treating humans as property. It also centered around the balance of power between free states and slave states, as well as the debate over whether slavery should be allowed to expand into new territories.

Abolished slavery in all states and territories that were in state of rebellion?

emancipation proclamation

Abolished slavery in all states and territories that were in a state of rebellion?

emancipation proclamation

What Abloished slavery in all states and territories that were in a state of rebellion?

Emancipation Proclamation

How did civil war start?

The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states

How did this decision affect the issue of slavery?

The decision had a significant impact on the issue of slavery as it further entrenched the practice by allowing it in new territories. It intensified tensions between free states and slave states, ultimately contributing to the outbreak of the Civil War.

What was the conflict between the Northern and Southern States as territories from the Louisiana Purchase apply for statehood?

The major source of conflict over granting statehood was the slavery question-- would slavery be allowed in the new state?

What was the major issue between Northerner and southern states after 1820?

Slavery became the major dividing issue between Northern and Southern states in the U.S. The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820, involving the regulation of slavery in the Western territories. This started people taking sides over whether slavery should be abolished altogether, or remain an essential right of the people.

What effect did the did the Mexican war have on the issue of slavery?

The Mexican-American War caused an internal dispute in the United States government over slavery. The Northerners did not want slavery to spread into the new territories if they were annexed into the United States, while the Southerners wanted the territories to have the right to decide.