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Propulsive Sampling Mean a sample which we can take randomly

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What is a pruposive sample?

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What is the meaning of purposive sampling?

The sample mean helps researchers maintain the scope of their research. If the sample mean is too far from the mean of the population then the numbers may be skewed.

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What are the purposive communication?

The five skills of purposive communication areListeningSpeakingReadingWritingViewing

What are the advantages of purposive sampling?

Purposive sampling can allow the researcher to make generalizations about results. Purposive sampling also provides the researcher with many different sampling techniques.

Why institution are purposive?

Institutions are purposive because we all know that without institution there will be no one to govern the behaviors of individuals, and there will be a possibility that our economy will be agitated.

Why is institutions are purposive?

Institutions are purposive because we all know that without institution there will be no one to govern the behaviors of individuals, and there will be a possibility that our economy will be agitated.

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A purposive incentive is defined as?

An incentive is something that provides a person with a motivation to perform an action. A purposive incentive is when someone has the opportunity to make a contribution to a worthy purpose or goal.

When is purposive sampling used?

it is also used in political polling

What are the two main approaches to statutory interpretation?

literal and purposive approach