dictionary.reference.com had this to say:
"a grade or level of subsistence and comfort in everyday life enjoyed by a community, class, or individual: The well-educated generally have a high standard of living. "
better standard living
An increase in the Standard of living
lower taxes and higher wages
The closest definition of our religion as I know it...... HONOR, RESPECT & living WITH the earth as opposed to ON it
They were a mix of Spanish/Native American people living in the Americas and mostly in the Texas and Mexico area.
What is the definition of "Living Space?"
The standard of living in Canada is moderate
standard of living & reputation
"Living in water" IS the definition. You are looking for a word to fit that definition. Aquatic is probably what you are looking for.
The standard of living can happen in Mexico City.
Computer's are the new standard living
has a high standard of living.
The highest standard of living in Europe is MonacoImproved : Norway has the highest standard of living in Europe and the World... If Ranked by the UN.. Monaco would have the 23rd highest living standard in the world.
A standard of living measure is the economic position of the individual.
My new job is certain to raise my standard of living.
The Standard of Living in Kenya is the 147th highest in the world. It is considered a developing country. Its standard of living is comparable to that of Bangladesh and Haiti.