umm..... 11 is spelt eleven, elven means, like, 'elvish, of the elves'. Anyways,
111,111, I think, though I'm not sure what 'elven lac' is, so I didn't write it.
Ireland has the number eleven.
Elven Manuscript was created in 2004.
Elven Legacy happened in 2009.
Elven Star was created in 1990.
Elven Star has 388 pages.
Elven Legacy was created on 2009-04-09.
The "name" of the elven celebration in Eldest?The English name for it would be the Blood-Oath Celebration. The Elven name for it would be Agaetí Blödhren.
Elven Havard was born on October 23, 1939, in USA.
The ISBN of Elven Star is 0-553-29098-3.
Elven C. Smith House was created in 1938.
Elven Webb was born on August 29, 1910, in England, UK.