well make sure you have it set on default and if looking up makes you look down then go on to the main menu of black ops then go to options and go to look inversion and put it to disabled. i had this problem to but when i did this it fixed it.
Visit your profile and you'll see "Edit My Profile Layout" in the right side.Click on it.
You pull the right anolog stick down.
u press left on right button (not on anolog the directional) =]
The simplest way is to right click on an open area of a slide, pick the Slide Layout option and then choose from the set of layouts that are given. If you click on one it can be set to the new layout.
You have got to get the sword of escalaba, Press X 4times an then the Right anolog stick twice
Just keep practicing in the dunk school. Harder dunks score higher.
Default its called
i have this game . so what you do is you hold down r1 and then u move your right anolog stick to the left or the right :)
the l3 is the left anolog stick pressed down. same with right analog stick.
The default page layout is set at web layout. You can switch to the desired layout on the bottom right of your word processor
when did Arkansas let black people vote
you know the anolog sticks press the one that's on the right side or r side