gets 20 stickers for 12 questions
Equal Pay
Gets 11 stickers each time (under measurement world)
Pundis Puzzle
Gets 10 stickers each time (under bonus game)
Some bonus games you may not have unlocked yet. You must play skill set to unlock them
There aren't cheats, but if you complete all 8 skill sets there is Into the Vortex, and that gives you 16 stickers per game plus bonus stickers the next game. To get lots of stickers you need to know and show 24 stickers per category and there are 2 rounds of each category.
The next game is Equal Pay on Measurement World
On the same world, the next games that get you lots of stickers are Equal Length and Equal Weight
Play firstinmath a lot!
Oh, my friend, that's quite a lot of stickers! Remember, it's not about the number of stickers you collect, but the joy and learning you experience along the way. Keep practicing, stay positive, and enjoy the process of improving your math skills. Happy math-ing!
Play the games and finish the games to earn stickers
Play every day
Just the Facts
you tell me i dont know merrychristmas
u can't earn stickers for practice games
ask you parents and use a calculator and play 24 7
How do you get alot of stickers on firstinmath
You can not cheat. There are absolutley no cheat codes or ways to get stickers without earning them.
Do JTF 5 times completing 95% correct.