you can go to and enter your levels and such, it will find your max hit.
Max Hit(s):51 (Melee)65 (Magic)55 (Ranged)Weakness: Stab.
The max damage u can deal is ranging from 120 to 130. (if using wind blast lvl 41) or in fire bolt u can deal 100 to 120 damage.
Ice Barrage hits 30 on multiple opponents that's all I know.
input your weapon and other equipment you will be using:
no, the max hit is 128 with full dharok firecape,extreme potion,Piety,and 1hp.
i believe you max with 12 w/out pray or potions ya its 12 w/ out that stuff but, then its 13 with prayer, 15 with pot, and 16 with magic short
That often depends on what skill your using and the equipment you have on.
Attack has nothing to do with max hit, it just shows how often you hit it. but for strength I can calculate you will hit 7, but priv message me what you wear, and I can give you a more accurate prediction.
I think the max hit with a magic bow is a 30.
It DOES NOT depend on your combat level. Every titan has a max hit. For the specific titan, you should search them on wiki.
He is level: 450 and has a Max Hit of: 26.