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It is called an Ethernet switch. you can get them at best buy, staples, or your local electronics shop for very cheap ($40 or so versus Micro$oft's wi-fi adapter at $100). The smaller ones will have 5 plugs in the back. Just plug an ethernet cord from the wall into anyone of the ports in back, connect your PC and Xbox into any other 2 ports and you're ready to rock. It will probably also need power, but I'm sure you have a power strip near by. No software to install, just plug and play baby. Took me less than 5 minutes to set up and works great for me, and many others I know. The original answer below seems way overcomplicated, but may also work, lol.

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From what I know, I actually wanted to do this, but it is very complitcated and a waste of time. For one: if your internet is not working on the computer, then your xbox will not connect either to xbox live because you are sharing the internet through one ethernet cable. I myself just simply have 2 wireless adapters than connect to the only wireless router I have at my home. You can just simply buy a (B) adapter for the computer, (B) is the oldest, slowest, channel but it still works good enough just for access of the internet (512kbps).

If you are wondering how you can just use only one wireless adapter for both computer and xbox, then that is what I will answer. If you are looking for something different, then I am sorry, you will need to rephrase your question.

Make sure you have the one adapter in your room, that is at least a

(G) or (N) adapter that connects to an ethernet (not a usb). Your computer must have the compatability of 2 ethernet slots on your computer. Computers can always be modified with more hubs and ports, so if you do not have the ability to insert 2 ethernets on your computer then, this process will not work. Next you will need 1 ethernet cord and you will have to buy, (if you do not have it) a crossover ethernet. A crossover ethernet is a new type of ethernet that has 2 wires simply crossing inside the cable. This feature helps you run data through the crossover cable, and it crosses over to another nearby ethernet. Once you have all the items:

Plug in the original ethernet cord to the adapter, and plug in the other end on the computer. Take the crossover cord (ethernet) and plug that on the computer as well. (both ethernet and crossover need to be plugged in, not just one at a time, and the 2 ethernet hubs should be right next to each other). Take the other end of the crossover and plug it in to the xbox. This process can be in vice versa with the crossover in the adapter to the computer and the ethernet in the computer to the xbox. Some configurations may be required for the crossover ethernet, xbox settings, computer settings, and other things. Once you get that far, you may need assistance.

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Q: Is there a way to share one outlet for two different ethernet cords Like an adaptor I need my computer and my Xbox 360 connected at the same time through only one outlet.?
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