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Our solar system

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

A sphere

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Q: The sun position in space is best described as the approximate center of?
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How do we ddescribe the motion is an object?

The motion of an object can be described by its position in space as a function of time or some other parameter. The position is space may be represented by coordinates or as a vector.

What is the position of India in satellite launching?

andhra pradesh space center

Where is the position of an object?

The position of an object is its location in space relative to a reference point or coordinate system. It is typically described using coordinates or distance measurements in one, two, or three dimensions.

How do you get the area of a figure using CM?

I assume you mean "center of mass". The center of mass is just a position in space; that's not enough information to figure out the area.

What time in physical science is defined as a change in position?

Time in physical science is not defined as a change in position. Time is a measure of the duration between two events, independent of any position changes. Position is typically described in terms of space or distance.

What is the position of a place or an object?

The position of a place or an object refers to its location in space relative to other things. It can be described using coordinates, directions, or landmarks to indicate where it is situated. Understanding the position of things is important for navigation, mapping, and communication.

How is an object's position described?

An object's position can be described using coordinates (such as x, y, z in a 3D space), distances from reference points, or landmarks. It can also be specified relative to other objects or using geographic coordinates like longitude and latitude.

What is Space Center Houston's motto?

Space Center Houston's motto is 'The Official Visitor Center of the Johnson Space Center'.

A single location in space?

A single location in space refers to a specific point or coordinates in the three-dimensional universe. It can be described using measurements such as latitude, longitude, and altitude or in terms of its position relative to other objects or landmarks. This concept is fundamental in astronomy, physics, and geography for pinpointing the exact position of objects or events in space.

Is a change in an objects location?

A change in an object's location refers to the object moving from one position to another in space. This change can be described in terms of distance, direction, and velocity.

How is motion of an object describe by its potsiondirection and speed?

The motion of an object is described by its position, which is its location in space; its direction, which is the orientation of its movement; and its speed, which is the rate at which it is changing position. Collectively, these three factors provide a comprehensive description of how an object is moving.

How do i Derive Position operator in momentum space?

To derive the position operator in momentum space, you can start with the definition of the position operator in position space, which is the operator $\hat{x} = x$. You then perform a Fourier transform on this operator to switch from position space to momentum space. This Fourier transform will yield the expression of the position operator in momentum space $\hat{x}_{p}$.