Prone means your player is laying on the ground, mostly used for hiding or to try to make it harder for the enemy to shoot and kill you before you kill them.
if you mean IW that's Infinity Ward, the company that made call of duty modern warfare 2 and cod4 MW
You cannot "duck" in Far Cry 2, at least if you mean crouch. You can only go prone or stand up.
1. Lying down. "He can lift these weights from a prone position." 2. Inclined to. "I am prone to fits of absent-mindedness during which I cannot finish . . . my . . . "
If you mean When does call of duty modern warfare 2 come out, then the answer is: November 10, 2009
yes very
You can change what buttons do what on your controller.
Its not very specific what do you mean by aiming
in favela/derail there r certain areas where u can do it. what u have 2 do is face forward, crouch, go prone, crouch, and repeat it's HARD add me on PSN AgentFisher7 fyi :)
F***ing New Guy
it means: FNG- F****** New Guy (modern warfare) S.S.D.D- Same S*** Different Day (Modern Warfare)