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An add-drop multiplexer also has the capability to add one or more lower-bandwidth signals to an existing high-bandwidth data stream, and at the same time can extract or drop other low-bandwidth signals, removing them from the stream and redirecting them to some other network path. An add-drop multiplexer also has the capability to add one or more lower-bandwidth signals to an existing high-bandwidth data stream, and at the same time can extract or drop other low-bandwidth signals, removing them from the stream and redirecting them to some other network path.

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we'll get 4 input mux cuz 2^4=16.... therefore the first 4 input mux has 16 o/p.. hence four-4 i/p mux are required to fill all 16 leads.

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As of July 2014, the market cap for McEwen Mining Inc. (MUX) is $706,322,326.55.

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Alexander Maas goes by Mux.

Implement a full adder using 2 41 mux?

implement it. enough said.

What are some features of a mux?

Features of a multiplexer, also known as a mux, include being able to select analog or digital signal inputs and forward the signals into a single line. This is an electronic device and can be purchased in stores that sell electronic equipment.

What is the VHDL program for mux?

A simple program for 8 x 1 multiplexer is given below. Library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity mux is port (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h : in std_logic; s: in std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0); y, yn : out std_logic ; St : in std_logic) ; end mux ; architecture mux of mux is signal yt : std_logic; begin process (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, s, yt) begin case s is when "000" => yt <= a; when "001" => yt <= b; when "010" => yt <= c; when "011" => yt <= d; when "100" => yt <= e; when "101" => yt <= f; when "110" => yt <= g; when "111" => yt <= h; when others => yt <= (others => '0'); end case; if St='1' then y <= yt; yn <= not yt; else y<= '0'; yn <= '1'; end if; end mux;

A 4 variable logic expreSSion can be realized using which multiplexer?

using 8:1 mux....

What is the airport code for Multan International Airport?

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