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a worm!! If you are talking about astronomy, then nobody knows! A wormhole links one part of space-time with another. So the answer might be an alternate universe.

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Q: What is on the other side of a wormhole?
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Does a wormhole bring you to different galaxys?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist. And if wormhole exists,it wont bring you to other galaxy, but you go to other universes through it and also travel in time.

What is a wormhole made for?

there is no evidence that a wormhole exist, but in the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exist. And if a wormhole exist, it is a short cut for traveling into other universes such as parallel universe and also for time traveling.

What is in side the dark spot?

gas or potential wormhole is my guess.

How can wormhole benefit us?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist. Though if wormhole exist, it is like having a shortcut; you can go to other universes and also you can use it as a time machine.

Can you travel faster than light if you take advantage of wormholes and that would it not affect the relativity?

I am pretty sure a wormhole is just bending the fabric of space and making a wrinkle and going through the wrinkle to the other side, if light were to follow you into the wormhole, it'd go faster than you, if it were not and depending on the span of the wormhole, you could theoretically beat the light by taking it as a shortcut

Has anyone gone in a wormhole?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist.

Can you create a wormhole?

No. Well, you could, but you'd need a really huge hollow tube that is magnetic and attach magnets to your clothes and you'd be sucked in and come out the other side.

Can anyone go through a wormhole?

In the law of physics, wormhole can possibly exists, but no one ever found a wormhole or seen. there is no evidence that wormhole can exist.

In spore where does your wormgole key go after you get it?

It is not really a key, just a catchy phrase for it. But when you scroll into wormholes all the way, you go inside and you are transported to the other side of the wormhole, which may be the entire other end of the Galaxy.

When was Wormhole Chasers created?

Wormhole Chasers was created in 2007.

Does a wormhole warp space time?

that hasn't been proved yet. The wormhole does warp space time, imagine a piece of paper the fastest way from one side to the other is straight across but if you manipulate the paper by folding it in half and poking a small hole in it you have just shortened your trip to a fraction of what it was. Couple of problems: 1) Power it will take an enormous amount of energy to open a wormhole 2) a wormhole is gravitationaly unstable and will collapse if any matter or light attempt to pass through it. 3) If your math is not right and you open a wormhole you may not come out where you wanted to (such as in a star or in deep space never being able to find your way back)

How can wormholes be observed?

no one ever seen a wormhole before. There is no evidence that a wormhole exist, but in the law of physics, a wormhole can possibly be exist.