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"Reach throw row go" is the way for remembering the order of preference of rescue methods when someone is in trouble in the water: Reach (with a pole, boat hook or oar) . . . Throw (a life ring, a life jacket, an empty cooler, or anything esle that floats) . . . Row (use a boat) . . . Go (into the water and swim to assist . . . the most dramatic and least prefered method since it can easily lead to two drownings)

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Q: What is reach throw row go?
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What is the proper sequence of actions to help someone who has fallen into the water from a dock?

reach, throw, row, go

Someone falls into the water from the dock what is the proper sequence of actions to help this person?

Reach, Throw, Row, Go

Someone falls into the water from a dock What is the FIRST thing you should do to help this person?

Think, Reach, Throw, Row, Go, SupportFirst talk them into getting to safety, think, then, reach, try to get them to grab something, then throw something, a rope or anything else, then row a boat, finally, go and support them, but be careful, a drowning person panics, and can likely pull you down too. Now you have two problems.And of course, dial 911 if you can't get them out, or once you do, and they need medical attention.

Someone falls into the water from a dock. What is the first thing you should do to help this person?

Think, Reach, Throw, Row, Go, SupportFirst talk them into getting to safety, think, then, reach, try to get them to grab something, then throw something, a rope or anything else, then row a boat, finally, go and support them, but be careful, a drowning person panics, and can likely pull you down too. Now you have two problems.And of course, dial 911 if you can't get them out, or once you do, and they need medical attention.

What does TRTWRST stand for in swimming?

1. Talk 2. Reach 3. Throw 4. Wade 5. Row 6. Swim 7. Tow

What are some whays that you could rescue some one at a pool with out swimming?

Reach with arm/leg from shore/deck, throw a rope/lifesaving device, Row a boat.

What rhymes with lmfao?

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Why is halo reach beast?

It's not, COD Black Ops is WAY better. So go throw away Reach and get a taste of Black Ops.

What are the four ways you could rescue someone from the water?

You can reach for them. You can throw something to them. You can go in a boat to them. You can form a human chain and go after them.

What should you do first when some one falls overboard?

Call for help; if there is a life ring and rope available, toss it past them (so that the rope falls near them). Remember the 4 basic rules of lifesaving; "Reach, Throw, Row, Go"... in other words, if they're close enough that you can reach them, or use a pole or other object, do that first. Second, throw a life ring, rope, or line. Third, go after them in a small boat, Go (as in jumping in) should always be the last resort, because then there are two of you in the water, and one of them is already panicking.

Who made throw in a row game?

Parker Brothers - 1992

What rhymes with zippo glow?

Hippo slow/grow/row/bow/mow/throw/no/know/so/sew/though/foe/go/low/woah