press trans on weapon updates page and you have full health, all the weapons, a helper, and upgrade.
Nope.Use Mystery gift. Or, Calculator Cheat.
By using a calculator.
Really funny ! The cheat code is : *********** that is why you never find the cheat code
Code Name Phoenix was created in 2000.
what is the cheat code for edutyping
There is no triplet cheat code. The twins cheat code is "forcetwins".
dont cheat
The cheat code is "eternal".
There is none!
here is the code for simple calculator in flex,[Bindable] private var _txt:Object;[Bindable] private var _choos:String;private function satu():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '1';}private function dot():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '.';}private function dua():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '2';}private function tiga():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '3';}private function empat():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '4';}private function lima():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '5';}private function enam():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '6';}private function tujuh():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '7';}private function lapan():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '8';}private function sembilan():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '9';}private function noll():void{txtLayar.text = txtLayar.text + '0';}private function clear():void{txtLayar.text = '';}private function sum():void{_txt = txtLayar.text;_choos = '1';txtLayar.text = '';}private function sub():void{_txt = txtLayar.text;_choos = '2';txtLayar.text = '';}private function mul():void{_txt = txtLayar.text;_choos = '3';txtLayar.text = '';}private function div():void{_txt = txtLayar.text;_choos = '4';txtLayar.text = '';}private function hasil():void{var txt2:Number = Number(txtLayar.text);var txt3:Number = Number(_txt);var has:Number;if(_choos=='1'){has = txt3 + txt2;}else if(_choos == '2'){has = txt3 - txt2;}else if(_choos == '3'){has = txt3 * txt2;}else if(_choos == '4'){has = txt3 / txt2;}txtLayar.text = has.toString();}]]>
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This is no cheat code the only code is clan code