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The coolest weapon is really on what you like best but I will break it down for you.

Cool Weapons (and powerful): Godswords (BGS, ZGS, SGS, AGS), Abby Whip, D Scimi, D Long, Drag Dagger, BarrellChest Anchor, G Maul, Dragon 2H, Dark Bow, Rune 2H, Dragon BattleAxe, Dragon Mace, Dragon Halberd, Crystal Bow, Magic Shortbow, Rune Scimi.

Cool Armor: Fighter Torso, Berserker Helmet, Neit Helmet, Fire Cape, Obby Cape, Legends Cape, Barrows Armor (Dharok, Torag, Verac, Guthan, Karil, Ahrim). Bandos Armor, Armadyl Armor, Dragon Armor, Rune armor Trimmed, Gold, Zamorak, Guthix, Saradomin. Adamant Trimmed or Gold, Black armor Trimmed or Gold. Ranger Boots, Robin Hood Hat, Party Hats (anything from holidays or clue scrolls).

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Q: What is the coolest weapon and armor in RuneScape?
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