Actually it is located at Central Park in real life Actually it is located at Central Park in real life Actually it is located at Central Park in real life
You will need to find the 8 Triforce charts. Be using the Incredible chart, it will tell you where each chart is located. After you collect and decipher a triforce chart, you can check it or the incredible chart to find the location of the Triforce Shard. You will then have to sail, or teleport and salvage the chest with the grappling hook.
The Triforce is divided into three parts. The Triforce of Power, which is what Ganon has. The Triforce of Wisdom, which is what Zelda has. And the Triforce of Courage, which is what Link has.
A Triforce is one large triangle that is made of of 3 separate triangles. Each of the 3 triangles have a separate meaning with the top one being the Triforce of Power, the left one is the Triforce of wisdom and the right triangle is the Triforce of courage.
There isn't a triforce in it
If you mean the last triforce shard, you have to find it on the sea maps after getting them translated by Tingle. If you mean how you get the last part of the Triforce (the Triforce of Power), you can't. Ganondorf has it, and you're not supposed to get it.
Newfags cant triforce.
You can't get the triforce in ocarina of time.
You cannot triforce on facebook. paste this for near perfect one, ▲ -triforce right ▲ ▲ here bitch depending on length of name mine is ***** ***** ▲ ▲ ▲
The triforce is three golden triangles that were left behind by the goddesses when they finished making the world. Whoever touches it will have their wish granted. Each triangle represents something different: Power, Wisdom or Courage.
a Triforce looks like three triangles in a triangle shape.
You cant get the triforce for link because he's born with it