

Who introduced the Shadow?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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16y ago

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In the 6th Century B.C "Thales" was first introduced the shadow by measuring the height of the pyramid at Giza.

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Jim Eddy

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Sonic didn't make shadow mad. It all starts 50 years ago, when Dr Gerald robotnik created shadow on the space station ARK. the people of earth considered shadow too dangerous to exist, so they sent armed soldiers up to ARk to destroy shadow. But, maria robotnik pulled the lever to send shadow to earth, and the soldiers introduced maria to her doom. tHat's why shadow is evil.

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No, Shadow the Hedgehog is a fictional character in the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series created by SEGA. He was introduced as a rival to Sonic the Hedgehog and has since become a popular character in the franchise.

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G.U.N., or Gov't United Nations, was first introduced as a new enemy (besides Dr. Robotnik's badniks), In Sonic Adventure 2. They are basically the military. Sonic was mistaken for the real criminal, Shadow, in that game. Ever since he's frequently gotten himself in trouble with the law.G.U.N stands for Guardians of the United Nations. They were first introduced in Sonic Adventure 2 as the military of Sonic's world. They are almost always somebody's enemies, especially Shadow's as his best friend, Maria Robotnik, was killed by a G.U.N soldier, and now they're against Shadow because of his power even though he is one of their agents.

How do you say shadow in Hawaiian?

In Hawaiian, you say "ka-shadow" for the word "shadow."

What happens to your shadow if you stand in the lights of a tree's shadow?

A tree's shadow does not have light. Anytime you are in the shadow of another object your body has no shadow of its own.

What are some metaphors for shadow?

Shadow as a mirror of the soul, shadow as the hidden self, shadow as a companion in darkness, and shadow as a reminder of the presence of light.

what are the prodigy weaknesses and streangths?

Fire: Water, Shadow Water: Storm, Shadow Storm: Ice, Shadow Plant: Fire, Shadow Ice: Fire, Shadow Shadow: Astral Astral: NONE

Is a shadow Is a shadow?

No, It is not a matter ?

The shadow of a sundial is called?

The shadow of a sundial is called a gnomon. The gnomon is the part of the sundial that casts the shadow onto the dial, indicating the time.

What are the two different types of shadow?

there are your shadow and other's shadow!! lol!!