African-Americans say many things a bit differently, just like people from the south or other countries. They have accents.
(Not true at all some speak different its called slang or because they are from somewhere else in the U.S and not just black people speak slang white people as well along with others.For an example how many African Americans do you see on tv that talk proper? alot)
African Americans tend to say "ask" instead of "axe" because they pronounce it differently
"Ask not what your country can do for you, instead ask what can I do for my country!"
I am learning about this in school!1871
The best way to find a good coral colored lip stick for African Americans would be to visit a make-up counter and ask for their recommendation on coral colors. Then, experiment from there.
my penis is big
hinder why would you even ask that a race was enslaved and had limited rights what do you think
The scientific term for Ebonics is African American Vernacular English (AAVE). It is a dialect of American English spoken primarily by African Americans.
Ask them
Laws targeting poor African American made it difficult for them to vote.
because if they secured their rights in an amendment, then they can essentially "use" or "gain" more votes for the officials they wanted because the Republicans (North) had secured their rights which ultimately made the African Americans happy/ falter away from the Southerns who had used them as slaves.
In 1775 the people you ask about were not considered important enough to give them rights. All African Americans were slaves, women couldn't vote, own property, work, have a bank account and were chattel. Women won't have voting rights until 1920 . Native Americans had even less consideration and were considered in the way. The world of 1775 belonged to rich white men and that is who wrote the declaration.