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In One Cubic Foot There Is 7.4805 Gallons. To Get Cubic Feet Of A Square Or Rectangle Multiply length X width X depth = Cubic Feet 28 Ft. Length X 14 Ft. Width X 5 Ft. Deep = 1960 Cubic Feet 1960 X 7.4805 = 14,661.8 Gallons

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17y ago
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11y ago

14 feet x 48 gallon is a measure of "volume" in 4-dimensional hyperspace and is quite meaningless to mere mortals like me who live in 3-dimensional space.

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15y ago

2678 gallons

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15y ago

23, 877.8182 US Gallons


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Q: How many gallons of water are in a pool 28 feet by 14 feet with an average depth of 5 feet?
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How many gallons in a 12x 18 pool?

To calculate the gallons you also need the average depth. Then you take lenth X width X average depth = cubic feet of water. cubic feet of water X 7.48 {gallons per cubic foot} = total gallons.

How many gallons of water in a lagoon 18' x 36' pool?

To calculate the gallons you also need the average depth. Then you take lenth X width X average depth = cubic feet of water. cubic feet of water X 7.48 {gallons per cubic foot} = total gallons.

How many gallons of water are in a pond that is 3 4ths of an acre with an average depth of 6 feet?

Approximately 1,466,330 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water in a pool 28x14 average depth 8 feet?

82,000 give or take

How many gallons of water in a 15 foot by 30 inches pool?

A pool that is 15 feet x 30 feet with the average depth of 6 feet is approximately 25,000 gallons.

How many gallons of water is needed to fill a pool with an average depth of 5.5 feet?

This can not be answered with the information you have given.

How many gallons of water are in a 15 x 33 feet pool that is 6 feet at the deep end and 3 feet in the shallow end?

Your average depth works out to about 4.5 feet. The gallons in a pool is equal to Length x Width x Average Depth x 7.5. So your pool has 33x15x4.5x7.5, which is 16700 gallons (16706.25 by calculation).

how many gallons of water does a 4ft x 18ft round pool hold?

Average Depth = Deep End (feet) + Shallow End (feet) divide by 2 Rectangular / Square Pool: Length (feet) x Width (feet) x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons Circular Pool: Diameter x 2 x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons Oval Pool: Max Length (feet) x Max Width (feet) x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons Kidney Shaped Pool: Width of Shallow End (feet) + Width of Deep End (feet) x Length of Pool x 0.45 x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons Free Form Pool: Max Length (feet) x Max Width (feet) x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons

How gallon of water does a 4ft x 18ft round pool hold?

Average Depth = Deep End (feet) + Shallow End (feet) divide by 2 Rectangular / Square Pool: Length (feet) x Width (feet) x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons Circular Pool: Diameter x 2 x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons Oval Pool: Max Length (feet) x Max Width (feet) x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons Kidney Shaped Pool: Width of Shallow End (feet) + Width of Deep End (feet) x Length of Pool x 0.45 x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons Free Form Pool: Max Length (feet) x Max Width (feet) x Average Depth x 7.5 = Total gallons

How many gallons of water are there in a pool with a radius of 9ft and a depth of 4ft?

A round pool with a radius of 9 feet and a depth of 4 feet has a capacity of about 7,615 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water does it take to fill a round 70 ft pool that is 16 feet deep?

A pool this size with an average depth of 16 feet requires 462,560 gallons of water to fill it to the top.

How many gallons of water in a pool 3 feet x 12 feet?

22.44 gallons for each inch of the water's depth.